Saturday, November 14, 2015

Chapter 3 - Cowboy Up

This isn't going to be a huge update but it is an update all the same. 

The Pruitt's arrive in Appaloosa Plains, a world I have not played in over two years. Looking around town and moving into three different houses, I didn't like any that could be added onto. So I spent a few hours building them a new house and then depleting their money back to what they had. Watch now they will have to move again! (knocks on wood)

This was their first house. I really liked, hence why I chose it. But no matter what I did, I couldn't get another bedroom added to the house without messing up the actual structure of it. So I gave up and they moved. I really should of had them collect all those meteors before they moved. That would of been the smart thing to do, so you know, I didn't. 

The second house looked bigger from the outside and even had two stories! So they moved there next. Upon going into the lot, we realized looked can be deceiving, and it was itty bitty tiny!

 So like I said, I took time and actually built them a house. I tried not to spend too much time decorating and making it look great, but well I failed and actually spent about six hours on their little house.

While Oren was outside getting Dana adjusted to the new house the little paper girl showed up. She was adorable! I had to save her. (I grew her up in CAS later and she's not quiet as adorable as an adult. I'll have to fix that.)

Oren gets back to the television as soon as he has Dana happy. He has one more day of vegging and then we can re-roll. He finds Iron Sim Chef on the tube and enjoys that.

To fit in more in Appaloosa Plains the family got a new look. Their beach attire had to be retired for now. I did stick with the original rules of what they had to wear, Oren pink and muscles, and Josselyn heavy makeup and obviously her black eyes.

While Oren watches T.V. (compliantly) Josselyn teaches Dana to walk. Dana got a makeover too!

Then Josselyn taught her how to talk.

 Dana spam because I think she is just adorable and makes the cutest faces!

Oren starts to have issues with sitting still again and the fight begins.

 Finally his three days are up and we get to roll for another event.

Event: Snowed in! (You can't leave your house for the next 3 days. this includes school and work.)

This one will be easy, they don't have jobs yet and Dana isn't old enough for school. It will be a good time for a lot of skilling and working on their LTW's. Wish I could have snow though!

And this is where I quit because it started getting laggy again. I went into another save and played it for awhile and it did the same thing. So I figured it was all the cool stuff I just downloaded. I took it out and will see when I play again how it goes. All the cool stuff that was new in this update (toys and such) are all gone though. Oh well, I can live without them I guess.

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