Saturday, October 24, 2015

Chapter 2 - Sit Your Ass Down

Oren: Why the hell am I wearing makeup?!
Josselyn: Honey, I have no idea what you are talking about. I think you are seeing things.  
We left off last time with Josselyn having to write a novel. She choose to write a Trashy Romance Novel called "Flavor Palace"

Oren joins the music career while Josselyn writes, then practices his guitar.

You do know there is a shower right behind you!
Josselyn: Pregnant. That is all.
 Oren gets to level 6 in guitar while Josselyn earns $18 for her first chapter of Flavor Palace.

I decided to tryout this multi tablet, so both Oren and Josselyn are listening to podcasts while they do other things. Interesting things happening right here.

First day of work and Oren is already late! Then again at least he is having the balls to go. If I had to have my face painted like that and had to go to work, well lets just say I'd be looking for a new job after three days because frankly I just wouldn't go out of the house. 

So I don't know how she is suppose to write a book in 3 days, but she spends all her time on the computer unless some needs need to be met. I'll have her keep writing till the 3 days are up then go to the next event.

She took a small break to finish that damn painting.

 Is it just me, or does it look like Grim is dumping a dead something into the lake? Maybe that is where he keeps their souls? Shit now I'm on to something and the EA police are going to show up at my door.

 Josselyn: Do you think it sounds better; He went up to her room taking off his clothes as he took two stairs at a time. Or - As he walked up the stairs, his breath caught thinking of her naked just a few feet away. Hurriedly he unzipped his pants reveling the throbbing hard...
STOP! The second, just don't elaborate here anymore! 
Josselyn: Jeez don't yell, I was just asking!
Woo she got it done and wrote a best selling book.

Before I could roll the next event, Oren was attacked by a zombie.

Oren: Ohhh, I really like your makeup too!
Oren, I don't think that is makeup, I think it decaying flesh.
 Bwahahahahahaha! Okay I had to call my husband and kid to see this one! I don't know who should be more scared, Oren or the zombie!

 That is right Oren, laugh!! I am right there with you buddy! Alright, now that my tummy hurts from laughing, next event!

Event = Hurricane! (take all your sims outside and delete HALF of your house including walls.)

Fuuuuuuuuuuudge! See this is why I didn't want to fix up their house!

Well it is not really "half", but it will do for the next 3 days!! Poor Josselyn, she hates the outdoors so she is going to have a negative moodlet for 3 days. The only room that actually has full walls will be the nursery, and that is because I don't want to hear the baby screaming once it is born.

 Oren: Get out, get out!
No one is in there! Just take a damn shower!
 Oren: I see people, they can see me!
*Sighs* Yep, this shall be fun!

The 3 days for Oren is up with his makeup, so when he awakes in the morning, it was like it was never there.

 Oren: Oh Joss, let me tell you how beautiful you are.
Josselyn: Screw you, get me to the hospital!
Josselyn gives birth to a baby girl randomly named Dana. Clumsy was locked in but random roll gave her hates the outdoors like her mother.

 I like to cheat and see what the kid is going to kind of look like when they get older. I know aging them up in CAS and aging them up in game they can look different, but for the most part they look similar. I did this with Dana.... poor poor Dana. She looks a lot like her mom, but she has something I just can't place that she takes after her dad with.

Oh I can already tell that is going to be pretty!
Oren: Shut up, it is my first try.

Josselyn: I hate my house.
I know, just one more day.
 Not thinking that one is going on the wall Oren.
Oren: Why? It would be beautiful in Dana's room.
Umm yeah, and everyone would think she drew it!
Oren: It's not that bad!
Oh it is, it is.

I named it Fugly and he sold it for $14, more than I would ever pay for that!

Oren: Woo yeah! I'm an artist!
That is stretching it... a lot!
 These poor guys are sweating profusely and it is only 9:30am, having no walls sucks!

I really hope that is chocolate chip cookies and not something gross.
Oren: Maybe it is, maybe it's not.
 Oren: Eh, it isn't too bad.
Eww it was raw waffle mix.
 Josselyn gets the easel back and starts painting something at least above a two year old level.

 Ai Pei sends Josselyn a love letter, fat chance buddy! Aren't you dead yet? Josselyn goes back to painting afterwards but she is so creeped out that she smashes her arms through the canvas and paints nothingness.

Oren really wanted a tattoo so while Josselyn painted, he snuck out of the house to get one.

Oren: I'm not sneaking! I'm a grown ass man, I can get a tattoo if I want.
You really should be saving your money to rebuild your house when the time comes.
 I don't think anyone is coming.
Oren: I'll just read this book till they do.
You mean steal it? You never finish them, but you pocket them!
Oren: Quit bitching, it brings in money doesn't it.
 Finally people show up so he can get his tattoo.

Lindy: Really, all those muscles and you can't even look?
Oren: It's going to hurt!
 LOL he is actually making whining noises!

Pretty butterfly!

Apparently Lindy doesn't agree. Not manly enough huh Lindy?

He thanks her anyways and then heads home. Back home he masters the guitar skill getting halfway done with his LTW. Friday finally arrives and I can rebuild the house!

Next event = So whats on tv? (Make a sim only sit in front of the tv for 3 days. You can only let him up to use the bathroom and eat meals.)

Oh my goodness this is going to be hard! Okay Oren, get your daily's done because your ass is being planted in front of the T.V. till Monday! He is so going to loose his job but I figured if Josselyn did it she wouldn't be able to take care of Dana also. Since he will be watching t.v. non stop he'll be skilling while doing so, cooking and gardening at least.

Sit your ass back down!
Oren: But... my social is super low, I want to send a woohooty text!
Sorry, no can do, just keep watching.
I can see I am going to have to keep a close eye on that one! Couch potato trait where are you when I need you!


 Hahaha! We are literally fighting each other at this point. I tell him to watch, he turns on the television. Within a couple seconds he turns it back off and we repeat the process over and over and over again!

Oren: I don't want to watch T.V.!
I know, I'm sorry just like 60 something hours to go!

Oren: Nope, I'm going to keep turning it off every time you tell me to turn it on!
Fucking free will!
 I do see you!
Oren: No you don't, turn your head. No one will know that you let me stop!
I will!
Josselyn gets another painting done, this one sells for $103. They really need the money! I finally had to sell some of their inventory things.

I finally let Oren up long enough to eat and pee and he chooses rotten mac & cheese. Yummy!

Oren: Please may I go to sleep! I am begging!
Sorry, only eating and peeing are allowed. Sleep is a luxury apparently. Kind of like when you have an newborn.
See what happens when you eat rotten food!

Saturday morning arrives and his energy and social are in the red. He is fighting me so much now all I can do is keep "watch T.V." keyed up so he doesn't do anything else.

Ah yes, I knew this was just a matter of time. He walked all the way outside to pass out too. Let's see how many times he does this before the three days is up.

Dana's birthday arrives! This will be fun, trying to keep him sitting while Josselyn has Dana blow out candles.

Here she is, not muscley yet.

Then I decide to move them. He will resume his watching T.V. when they get to the new town, this one is just so laggy I can't move them half the time.

So this is where I will end it. Next time a new town, more T.V. watching and hopefully some toddler skilling. Oh and Dana just became super strong, she is going to take after Daddy after all.

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